Daily Diaries Of CTK


Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 5, 2016

Binary Search Tree

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std;

struct node
 int element;
 node *left;
 node *right;
 int height;
typedef struct node *nodeptr;
class bstree
  void insert(int,nodeptr &);
  void del(int, nodeptr &);
  int deletemin(nodeptr &);
  void find(int,nodeptr &);
  nodeptr findmin(nodeptr);
  nodeptr findmax(nodeptr);
  void makeempty(nodeptr &);
  void copy(nodeptr &,nodeptr &);
  nodeptr nodecopy(nodeptr &);
  void preorder(nodeptr);
  void inorder(nodeptr);
  void postorder(nodeptr);
  int bsheight(nodeptr);
  nodeptr srl(nodeptr &);
  nodeptr drl(nodeptr &);
  nodeptr srr(nodeptr &);
  nodeptr drr(nodeptr &);
  int max(int,int);
  int nonodes(nodeptr);
// Inserting a node
void bstree::insert(int x,nodeptr &p)
 if (p == NULL)
  p = new node;
  p->element = x;
  p->right = NULL;
  if (p==NULL)
   cout<<"Out of Space\n"<<endl;
  if (x<p->element)
   if ((bsheight(p->left) - bsheight(p->right))==2)
    if (x < p->left->element)
     p = drl(p);
  else if (x>p->element)
   if ((bsheight(p->right) - bsheight(p->left))==2)
    if (x > p->right->element)
     p = drr(p);
   cout<<"Element Exists\n"<<endl;
int m,n,d;
p->height = d + 1;
// Finding the Smallest
nodeptr bstree::findmin(nodeptr p)
 if (p==NULL)
  cout<<"The tree is empty\n"<<endl;
  return p;
  while(p->left !=NULL)
   //return p;
  return p;
// Finding the Largest node
nodeptr bstree::findmax(nodeptr p)
 if (p==NULL)
  cout<<"The tree is empty\n"<<endl;
  return p;
  while(p->right !=NULL)
   //return p;
  return p;
// Finding an element
void bstree::find(int x,nodeptr &p)
 if (p==NULL)
  cout<<"Sorry! element not found\n"<<endl;
  if (x < p->element)
   if (x>p->element)
    cout<<"Element found!\n"<<endl;
// Copy a tree
void bstree::copy(nodeptr &p,nodeptr &p1)
 p1 = nodecopy(p);
// Make a tree empty
void bstree::makeempty(nodeptr &p)
 nodeptr d;
 if (p != NULL)
// Copy the nodes
nodeptr bstree::nodecopy(nodeptr &p)
 nodeptr temp;
 if (p==NULL)
  return p;
  temp = new node;
  temp->element = p->element;
  temp->left = nodecopy(p->left);
  temp->right = nodecopy(p->right);
  return temp;

// Deleting a node
void bstree::del(int x,nodeptr &p)
 nodeptr d;
 if (p==NULL)
  cout<<"Sorry! element not found\n"<<endl;
 else if ( x < p->element)
 else if (x > p->element)
 else if ((p->left == NULL) && (p->right == NULL))
  cout<<"Element deleted successfully\n"<<endl;
 else if (p->left == NULL)
  cout<<"Element deleted successfully\n"<<endl;
 else if (p->right == NULL)
  cout<<"Element deleted successfully\n"<<endl;
  p->element = deletemin(p->right);

int bstree::deletemin(nodeptr &p)
 int c;
 cout<<"inside deltemin\n"<<endl;
 if (p->left == NULL)
  return c;
  return c;
void bstree::preorder(nodeptr p)
 if (p!=NULL)

// Inorder Printing
void bstree::inorder(nodeptr p)
 if (p!=NULL)

// PostOrder Printing
void bstree::postorder(nodeptr p)
 if (p!=NULL)

int bstree::max(int value1, int value2)
 return ((value1 > value2) ? value1 : value2);
int bstree::bsheight(nodeptr p)
 int t;
 if (p == NULL)
  return -1;
  t = p->height;
  return t;

nodeptr bstree:: srl(nodeptr &p1)
 nodeptr p2;
 p2 = p1->left;
 p1->left = p2->right;
 p2->right = p1;
 p1->height = max(bsheight(p1->left),bsheight(p1->right)) + 1;
 p2->height = max(bsheight(p2->left),p1->height) + 1;
 return p2;
nodeptr bstree:: srr(nodeptr &p1)
 nodeptr p2;
 p2 = p1->right;
 p1->right = p2->left;
 p2->left = p1;
 p1->height = max(bsheight(p1->left),bsheight(p1->right)) + 1;
 p2->height = max(p1->height,bsheight(p2->right)) + 1;
 return p2;
nodeptr bstree:: drl(nodeptr &p1)
 return srl(p1);
nodeptr bstree::drr(nodeptr &p1)
 p1->right = srl(p1->right);
 return srr(p1);

int bstree::nonodes(nodeptr p)
 int count=0;
 if (p!=NULL)
 return count;

int main()
 nodeptr root,root1,min,max;//,flag;
 int a,choice,findele,delele;
 char ch='y';
 bstree bst;

 root = NULL;
 cout<<"\n\t\t\t\tWELCOME TO AVL TREE"<<endl;

  cout<<"\t\t::::Enter 1 to insert a new node::::::::::::::::"<<endl;
  cout<<"\t\t::::Enter 2 to find the minimum value:::::::::::"<<endl;
  cout<<"\t\t::::Enter 3 to find the max value:::::::::::::::"<<endl;
  cout<<"\t\t::::Enter 4 to search a value:::::::::::::::::::"<<endl;
  cout<<"\t\t::::Enter 5 to delete a value:::::::::::::::::::"<<endl;
  cout<<"\t\t::::Enter 6 to display Preorder:::::::::::::::::"<<endl;
  cout<<"\t\t::::Enter 7 to display Inorder::::::::::::::::::"<<endl;
  cout<<"\t\t::::Enter 8 to display Postorder::::::::::::::::"<<endl;
  cout<<"\t\t::::Enter 9 to display the height of the tree:::"<<endl;
  cout<<"\t\t::::Enter 0 to exit:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"<<endl;

  cout<<"\nEnter the choice: ";

   case 1:
    cout<<"\n\t\tADDING NEW NODE"<<endl;
    cout<<"Enter a new value: ";
    cout<<"\nThe new value have been added to your tree successfully\n"<<endl;
   case 2:
    if (root !=NULL)
     cout<<"\nThe minimum element in the tree is: "<<min->element<<endl;
   case 3:
    if (root !=NULL)
     cout<<"\nThe maximum element in the tree is: "<<max->element<<endl;
   case 4:
    cout<<"\nEnter node to search: ";
    if (root != NULL)
   case 5:
    cout<<"\nEnter node to delete: ";
   case 6:
    cout<<"\n\t\tPRE-ORDER TRAVERSAL"<<endl;
   case 7:
    cout<<"\n\t\tIN-ORDER TRAVERSAL"<<endl;
   case 8:
    cout<<"\n\t\tPOST ORDER TRAVERSAL"<<endl;
   case 9:
    cout<<"The height of the tree is: "<<bst.bsheight(root)<<endl;

   case 0:
    cout<<"\n\tThank your for using AVL tree program\n"<<endl;
    cout<<"Sorry! wrong input\n"<<endl;
 }while(choice != 0);
 return 0;

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